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14. 陳子[ㅣ] 曰 古之君子 何如則仕ㅣ니잇고 孟子[ㅣ] 曰 所就이오 所去[ㅣ]이니라
迎之致敬以有禮며 言將行其言也(ㅣ어든) 則就之고(야) 禮貌未衰 言弗行也(ㅣ어든) 則去之니라
所謂見行可之仕 若孔子於季桓子是也 受女樂而不朝 則去之矣시니라
其次 雖未行其言也ㅣ나 迎之致敬以有禮(어든) 則就之고(야) 禮貌衰(커든) 則去之니라
所謂際可之仕 若孔子於衛靈公 是也 與公遊於囿 仰視蜚雁而後去之시니라
其下 朝不食[며] 夕不食야 飢餓不能出門戶ㅣ어든 聞之曰吾 大者 不能行其道고[며] 又不能從其言也야(고) 使飢餓於我土地[ㅣ] 恥之라고 周之ㄴ댄(어든) 亦可受也ㅣ어니와(ㅣ니) 免死而已矣니라
所謂公養之仕也 君之於民 固有周之之義 況此又有悔過之言니 所以可受이나 未至於飢餓不能出門戶 則猶不受也 其曰免死而已 則其所受亦有節矣니라

14. 맹자의 제자 진진(陳臻)이 말하였다. “옛날 군자들은 어떤 경우에 벼슬하였습니까?” 맹자께서 말씀하셨다. “벼슬에 나아가는 경우가 세 가지이고, 떠나는 경우가 세 가지였네.
[James Legge] The disciple Ch'an said, 'What were the principles on which superior men of old took office?' Mencius replied, 'There were three cases in which they accepted office, and three in which they left it.
군주가 맞이할 때 공경을 다하여 예(禮)가 있으며 장차 그의 말을 행하겠다고 말하면 나아가고, 예모(禮貌)가 쇠하지는 않았으나 그의 말이 행해지지 않으면 떠났네.
[James Legge] 'If received with the utmost respect and all polite observances, and they could say to themselves that the prince would carry their words into practice, then they took office with him. Afterwards, although there might be no remission in the polite demeanour of the prince, if their words were not carried into practice, they would leave him.
그 다음으로는 비록 그의 말을 행하지는 않으나 맞이할 때 공경을 다하여 예가 있으면 나아가고, 예모가 쇠하면 떠났네.
[James Legge] 'The second case was that in which, though the prince could not be expected at once to carry their words into practice, yet being received by him with the utmost respect, they took office with him. But afterwards, if there was a remission in his polite demeanour, they would leave him.
그 다음으로는 아침도 먹지 못하고 저녁도 먹지 못하여 굶주리고 배고파 문을 나갈 수 없을 때, 임금이 이 말을 듣고 말하기를 ‘내 크게는 그의 도를 행하지 못하고 또 그의 말을 실천하지 못해서 내 땅에서 굶주리고 배고프게 했으니, 내 이를 부끄러워한다.’ 하고 구원해준다면, 또한 받을 수 있지만 죽음을 면하는 정도에 그칠 뿐이네.”
[James Legge] 'The last case was that of the superior man who had nothing to eat, either morning or evening, and was so famished that he could not move out of his door. If the prince, on hearing of his state, said, "I must fail in the great point,-- that of carrying his doctrines into practice, neither am I able to follow his words, but I am ashamed to allow him to die of want in my country;" the assistance offered in such a case might be received, but not beyond what was sufficient to avert death.'

맹자집주 책은 2022.07.13에 최종 수정되었습니다.
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