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29-3. 故[로] 君子之道 本諸身야 徵諸庶民며 考諸三王而不謬며 建諸天地而不悖며 質諸鬼神而無疑며 百世以俟聖人而不惑이니라
此君子 指王天下者而言이라 其道 卽議禮制度考文之事也 本諸身 有其德也 徵諸庶民 驗其所信從也 立也 立於此而參於彼也 天地者 道也 鬼神者 造化之迹也 百世以俟聖人而不惑 所謂聖人復起 不易吾言者也

29-3. 그러므로 군자(君子)의 도(道)는 자기 몸에 근본하고 나서 여러 백성들에게 징험하며, 삼왕(三王)에게 상고해 보아도 틀리지 않으며, 천지(天地)에 세워도 어긋나지 않으며, 귀신(鬼神)에게 물어도 의심이 없으며, 백세(百世)에 성인(聖人)을 기다려도 의혹(疑惑)되지 않는다.
29-3. [언해] 故고로 君군子의 道도 身신에 本본야 庶셔民민에 徵며 三삼王에 考고야도 謬뉴티 아니며 天텬地디예 建건야도 悖패티 아니며 鬼귀神신에 質질야도 疑의ㅣ 업며 百世셰예  聖人을 俟야도 惑혹디 아니니라
29-3. [James Legge] Therefore the institutions of the Ruler are rooted in his own character and conduct, and sufficient attestation of them is given by the masses of the people. He examines them by comparison with those of the three kings, and finds them without mistake. He sets them up before Heaven and Earth, and finds nothing in them contrary to their mode of operation. He presents himself with them before spiritual beings, and no doubts about them arise. He is prepared to wait for the rise of a sage a hundred ages after, and has no misgivings.

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중용장구 책은 2019.04.29에 최종 수정되었습니다.
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