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20-13. 修身(면) 則道立고 尊賢(면) 則不惑고 親親(면) 則諸父昆弟[ㅣ] 不怨고 敬大臣(면) 則不眩고 體群臣(면) 則士之報禮[ㅣ]고 子庶民(면) 則百姓[이]고 來百工(면) 則財用[이]고 柔遠人(면) 則四方[이] 歸之고 懷諸侯(면) 則天下[ㅣ] 畏之니라(니이다)
言九經之效也 道立 謂道成於己而可爲民表 所謂皇建其有極 是也 不惑 謂不疑於理 不眩 謂不迷於事 敬大臣이면 則信任專하여 而小臣 不得以間之 臨事而不眩也 來百工이면 則通功易事하여 農末相資 財用足하고 柔遠人이면 則天下之旅 皆悅而願出於其塗 四方歸하고 懷諸侯 則德之所施者博而威之所制者廣矣 曰天下畏之라하니라

20-13. 몸을 닦으면 도(道)가 확립되고, 어진이를 높이면 의혹되지 않고, 친척을 친애하면 백부(伯父)‧숙부(叔父)와 형제들이 원망하지 않고, 대신(大臣)을 공경하면 현혹되지 않고, 신하들의 마음을 체찰하면 선비들의 보답하는 예가 중하고, 백성들을 자식처럼 사랑하면 백성들이 권면하고, 백공들을 오게 하면 재물이 풍족해지고, 먼 곳의 사람을 부드럽게 감싸주면 사방이 귀의해 오고, 제후(諸侯)들을 품어주면 천하가 두려워한다.
20-13. [언해] 몸을 닷그면 道도ㅣ 셔고 賢현을 尊존면 惑혹디 아니고 親친을 親친면 諸져父부와 昆곤昆뎨ㅣ 怨원티 아니고 大대臣신을 敬면 眩현티 아니고 群군臣신을 體톄면 士의 禮례 報보홈이 重고 庶셔民민을 子면 百姓이 勸권고 百工을 來케 면 財用이 足죡고 遠원人을 柔면 四方이 歸귀고 諸져侯후를 懷회케 면 天텬下하ㅣ 畏외니라
20-13. [James Legge] By the ruler's cultivation of his own character, the duties of universal obligation are set forth. By honoring men of virtue and talents, he is preserved from errors of judgment. By showing affection to his relatives, there is no grumbling nor resentment among his uncles and brethren. By respecting the great ministers, he is kept from errors in the practice of government. By kind and considerate treatment of the whole body of officers, they are led to make the most grateful return for his courtesies. By dealing with the mass of the people as his children, they are led to exhort one another to what is good. By encouraging the resort of all classes of artisans, his resources for expenditure are rendered ample. By indulgent treatment of men from a distance, they are brought to resort to him from all quarters. And by kindly cherishing the princes of the states, the whole kingdom is brought to revere him.

동영상 재생
1 2013 수신즉도립 존현 253

중용장구 책은 2019.04.29에 최종 수정되었습니다.
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