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2. 北宮錡 問曰 周室班爵祿也 如之何ㅣ잇고(잇고)
北宮이요이니 衛人이라 列也
孟子 曰 其詳 不可得而聞也ㅣ로다(ㅣ니) 諸侯 其害己也(야) 而皆去其籍이어니와 然而軻也 嘗聞其略也ㅣ로라(ㅣ로다)
當時諸侯 兼幷僭竊이라 惡周制妨害己之所爲也
天子[ㅣ] 一位[이] 一位[ㅣ] 一位[이] 一位 子男[이] 同一位 凡五等也ㅣ라[이] 一位[이] 一位 大夫[ㅣ] 一位 上士[ㅣ] 一位 中士[ㅣ] 一位 下士[ㅣ] 一位 凡六等이라
班爵之制也 五等 通於天下고 六等 施於國中이라
天子之制 地方千里 公侯는() 皆方百里 七十里 子男 五十里 凡四等이라 不能五十里 不達於天子야 附於諸侯니(니) 曰附庸이니라
此以下 班祿之制也 不能 猶不足也 小國之地 不足五十里者 不能自達於天子고 因大國여 以姓名通니 謂之附庸이라 若春秋邾儀父之類 是也니라
天子之卿 受地視侯고 大夫 受地視伯고 元士 受地視子男이니라
比也 徐氏曰 王畿之內 亦制都鄙受地也 元士 上士也
大國 地方百里니(예) 十卿祿이오 卿祿 四大夫ㅣ오 大夫 倍上士ㅣ오 上士 倍中士ㅣ오 中士 倍下士ㅣ오 下士() 與庶人在官者[] 同祿니 祿足以代其耕也ㅣ니라
十倍之也 四倍之也 加一倍也 徐氏曰 大國 君田 三萬二千畝 其入 可食二千八百八十人이요 卿田 三千二百畝 可食二百八十八人이요 大夫田 八百畝 可食七十二人이요 上士田 四百畝 可食三十六人이요 中士田 二百畝 可食十八人이요 下士與庶人在官者田 百畝 可食九人至五人이라 庶人在官 府史胥徒也 愚按 君以下所食之祿 皆助法之公田이니 藉農夫之力以耕여 而收其租고 士之無田與庶人在官者 則但受祿於官 如田之入而已니라
次國 地方七十里니(예) 十卿祿이오 卿祿 三大夫ㅣ오 大夫 倍上士ㅣ오 上士 倍中士ㅣ오 中士 倍下士ㅣ오 下士() 與庶人在官者[] 同祿니 祿足以代其耕也ㅣ니라
謂三倍之也 徐氏曰 次國 君田 二萬四千畝 可食二千一百六十人이요 卿田 二千四百畝 可食二百十六人이라
小國 地方五十里니(예) 十卿祿이오 卿祿 二大夫ㅣ오 大夫 倍上士ㅣ오 上士 倍中士ㅣ오 中士 倍下士ㅣ오 下士() 與庶人在官者[] 同祿니 祿足以代其耕也ㅣ니라
卽倍也 徐氏曰 小國 君田 一萬六千畝 可食千四百四十人이요 卿田 一千六百畝 可食百四十四人이라
耕者之所獲 一夫[ㅣ] 百畝ㅣ니 百畝之糞에(예) 上農夫 九人고 上次 食八人고[은] 食七人고 中次 食六人고 食五人이니 庶人在官者 其祿 以是爲差ㅣ니라
得也 一夫一婦 佃田百畝여 加之以糞니 糞多而力勤者 爲上農이니 其所收可供九人이요 其次 用力不齊 有此五等이라 庶人在官者 其受祿不同여 亦有此五等也○ 愚按 此章之說 與周禮王制 不同니 蓋不可考 闕之可也니라 程子曰 孟子之時 去先王未遠고 載籍 未經秦火로되 然而班爵祿之制 已不聞其詳이라 今之禮書 皆掇拾於煨燼之餘고 而多出於漢儒一時之傅會니 奈何欲盡信而句爲之解乎 然則其事 固不可一一追復矣로다

2. 위(衛)나라 사람 북궁기(北宮錡)가 물었다. “주(周)나라 왕실에서 관작과 녹봉을 나열한 순서는 어떻게 했습니까?”
[James Legge] Pêi-kung Î asked Mencius, saying, 'What was the arrangement of dignities and emoluments determined by the House of Châu?'
맹자께서 말씀하셨다. “그 상세한 내용은 내가 듣지 못하였소. 제후들이 자신들에게 불리할까 싫어해서 그에 관한 문서를 모두 없애버렸기 때문이오. 그러나 내가 일찍이 그 대략은 들었소.
[James Legge] Mencius replied, 'The particulars of that arrangement cannot be learned, for the princes, disliking them as injurious to themselves, have all made away with the records of them. Still I have learned the general outline of them.
천하에는 천자(天子)가 한 자리, 공(公)이 한 자리, 후(侯)가 한 자리, 백(伯)이 한 자리, 자(子)와 남(男)이 똑같이 한 자리이니, 모두 5등급이었소. 나라 안에서는 군(君)이 한 자리, 경(卿)이 한 자리, 대부(大夫)가 한 자리, 상사(上士)가 한 자리, 중사(中士)가 한 자리, 하사(下士)가 한 자리이니, 모두 6등급이었소.
[James Legge] 'The SON OF HEAVEN constituted one dignity; the KUNG one; the HÂU one; the PÂI one; and the TSZE and the NAN each one of equal rank:-- altogether making five degrees of rank. The RULER again constituted one dignity; the CHIEF MINISTER one; the GREAT OFFICERS one; the SCHOLARS OF THE FIRST CLASS one; THOSE OF THE MIDDLE CLASS one; and THOSE OF THE LOWEST CLASS one:-- altogether making six degrees of dignity.
천자(天子)가 소유하는 땅은 사방 1,000리이고, 공(公)과 후(侯)는 모두 사방 100리이고, 백(伯)은 사방 70리이고, 자(子)와 남(男)은 사방 50리이니, 모두 4등급이었소. 채 50리가 못 되는 나라는 천자에게 직접 통하지 못하고 다른 제후에게 부속되니, 이를 부용국(附庸國)이라 하오.
[James Legge] 'To the Son of Heaven there was allotted a territory of a thousand lî square. A Kung and a Hâu had each a hundred lî square. A Pâi had seventy lî, and a Tsze and a Nan had each fifty lî. The assignments altogether were of four amounts. Where the territory did not amount to fiftylî, the chief could not have access himself to the Son of Heaven. His land was attached to some Hâu-ship, and was called a FÛ-YUNG.
천자의 경(卿)은 땅을 받을 때 후(侯)에 비견되고, 대부(大夫)는 땅을 받을 때 백(伯)에 비견되고, 원사(元士)는 땅을 받을 때 자(子)와 남(男)에 비견되오.
[James Legge] 'The Chief ministers of the Son of Heaven received an amount of territory equal to that of a Hâu; a Great officer received as much as a Pâi; and a scholar of the first class as much as a Tsze or a Nan.
큰 나라인 공과 후의 나라는 땅이 사방 100리인데, 군주는 경이 받는 녹(祿)의 10배이고, 경의 녹은 대부의 4배이고, 대부는 상사(上士)의 배이고, 상사는 중사(中士)의 배이고, 중사는 하사(下士)의 배이고, 하사와 서인(庶人)으로서 관직에 있는 자는 녹이 같으니, 녹이 경작하는 수입을 충분히 대신할 만하였소.
[James Legge] 'In a great State, where the territory was a hundred lî square, the ruler had ten times as much income as his Chief ministers; a Chief minister four times as much as a Great officer; a Great officer twice as much as a scholar of the first class; a scholar of the first class twice as much as one of the middle; a scholar of the middle class twice as much as one of the lowest; the scholars of the lowest class, and such of the common people as were employed about the government offices, had for their emolument as much as was equal to what they would have made by tilling the fields.
그 다음 나라인 백의 나라는 땅이 사방 70리인데, 군주는 경이 받는 녹의 10배이고, 경의 녹은 대부의 3배이고, 대부는 상사의 배이고, 상사는 중사의 배이고, 중사는 하사의 배이고, 하사와 서인으로서 관직에 있는 자는 녹이 같으니, 녹이 경작하는 수입을 충분히 대신할 만하였소.
[James Legge] 'In a State of the next order, where the territory was seventy lî square, the ruler had ten times as much revenue as his Chief minister; a Chief minister three times as much as a Great officer; a Great officer twice as much as a scholar of the first class; a scholar of the first class twice as much as one of the middle; a scholar of the middle class twice as much as one of the lowest; the scholars of the lowest class, and such of the common people as were employed about the government offices, had for their emolument as much as was equal to what they would have made by tilling the fields.
작은 나라인 자와 남의 나라는 땅이 사방 50리인데, 군주는 경이 받는 녹의 10배이고, 경의 녹은 대부의 2배이고, 대부는 상사의 배이고, 상사는 중사의 배이고, 중사는 하사의 배이고, 하사와 서인으로서 관직에 있는 자는 녹이 같으니, 녹이 경작하는 수입을 충분히 대신할 만하였소.
[James Legge] 'In a small State, where the territory was fifty lî square, the ruler had ten times as much revenue as his Chief minister; a Chief minister had twice as much as a Great officer; a Great officer twice as much as a scholar of the highest class; a scholar of the highest class twice as much as one of the middle; a scholar of the middle class twice as much as one of the lowest; scholars of the lowest class, and such of the common people as were employed about the government offices, had the same emolument;-- as much, namely, as was equal to what they would have made by tilling the fields.
경작하는 농민의 소득은 한 가장(家長)이 100묘(畝)를 받으니, 100묘를 가꾸면 상농부(上農夫)는 9명을 먹일 수 있고, 상농부의 다음은 8명을 먹일 수 있고, 중농부(中農夫)는 7명을 먹일 수 있고, 중농부의 다음은 6명을 먹일 수 있고, 하농부(下農夫)는 5명을 먹일 수 있었소. 서인으로서 관직에 있는 자는 그 녹이 이를 기준으로 하여 차등을 두었소.”
[James Legge] 'As to those who tilled the fields, each husbandman received a hundred mâu. When those mâu were manured, the best husbandmen of the highest class supported nine individuals, and those ranking next to them supported eight. The best husbandmen of the second class supported seven individuals, and those ranking next to them supported six; while husbandmen of the lowest class only supported five. The salaries of the common people who were employed about the government offices were regulated according to these differences.'

맹자집주 책은 2022.07.13에 최종 수정되었습니다.
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