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22. 孟子[ㅣ] 曰 伯夷[ㅣ] 辟(避)紂야 居北海之濱이러니 聞文王作(고)[고] 曰 盍歸乎來리오 吾聞西伯은(이) 善養老者ㅣ라고(ㅣ라며) 大(太)公[이] 辟紂야 居東海之濱이러니 聞文王作(고)[고] 曰 盍歸乎來리오 吾聞西伯은(이) 善養老者ㅣ라니 天下애(에) 有善養老(면) 則仁人 以爲己歸矣니라(리라)
己歸 謂己之所歸 餘見前篇니라
五畝之宅 樹墻下以桑야(고) 匹婦[ㅣ] 蠶之(면) 則老者 足以衣帛矣 五母雞[와] 二母彘 無失其時 老者 足以無失肉矣 百畝之田 匹夫[ㅣ] 耕之 八口之家 可以無飢矣리라
文王之政也 一家養母雞五, 母彘二也 餘見前篇니라
所謂西伯[이] 善養老者 制其田里야(며) 敎之樹畜며(고) 導其妻子야 使養其老ㅣ니 五十 非帛不煖며(고) 七十 非肉不飽니 不煖不飽를() 謂之凍餒 文王之民 無凍餒之老者ㅣ(ㅣ라니) 此之謂也ㅣ니라
謂百畝之田이요 謂五畝之宅이라 謂耕桑이요 謂雞彘也 趙氏曰 善養老者 敎導之여 使可以養其老耳 非家賜而人益之也니라

22. 맹자께서 말씀하셨다. “백이(伯夷)가 폭군 주왕(紂王)을 피하여 북해(北海) 물가에 살다가, 문왕(文王)께서 세상에 나오셨다는 말을 듣고는 ‘어찌 돌아가지 않겠는가? 내가 들으니 문왕은 노인을 잘 봉양한다고 했다.’ 하였다. 태공(太公)이 주왕을 피하여 동해(東海) 물가에 살다가, 문왕께서 세상에 나오셨다는 말을 듣고는 ‘어찌 돌아가지 않겠는가? 내가 들으니 문왕은 노인을 잘 봉양한다고 했다.’ 하였다. 만일 천하에 노인을 잘 봉양하는 자가 있으면, 인인(仁人)들이 자기가 돌아갈 곳으로 삼을 것이다.
[James Legge] Mencius said, 'Po-î, that he might avoid Châu, was dwelling on the coast of the northern sea when he heard of the rise of king Wan. He roused himself and said, "Why should I not go and follow him? I have heard that the chief of the West knows well how to nourish the old." T'âi-kung, to avoid Châu, was dwelling on the coast of the eastern sea. When he heard of the rise of king Wan, he said, "Why should I not go and follow him? I have heard that the chief if the West knows well how to nourish the old." If there were a prince in the kingdom, who knew well how to nourish the old, all men of virtue would feel that he was the proper object for them to gather to.
5묘(畝)의 집 담장 아래에 뽕나무를 심고 한 지어미가 누에를 치면 늙은이가 비단옷을 충분히 입을 수 있으며, 다섯 마리의 암탉과 두 마리의 암퇘지를 기르되 새끼 칠 때를 놓치지 않게 하면 늙은이가 고기를 충분히 먹을 수 있으며, 100묘 되는 토지를 한 지아비가 경작하면 여덟 식구인 가정이 굶주리지 않을 수 있다.
[James Legge] 'Around the homestead with its five mâu, the space beneath the walls was planted with mulberry trees, with which the women nourished silkworms, and thus the old were able to have silk to wear. Each family had five brood hens and two brood sows, which were kept to their breeding seasons, and thus the old were able to have flesh to eat. The husbandmen cultivated their farms of 100 mâu, and thus their families of eight mouths were secured against want.
이른바 ‘문왕이 노인을 잘 봉양한다.’는 것은 토지와 집터를 제정해주어 심고 기르는 법을 가르치며, 그 처자식을 인도하여 그 노인을 봉양하게 한 것이다. 사람이 50세에는 비단옷이 아니면 따뜻하지 않으며, 70세에는 고기가 아니면 배부르지 않으니, 따뜻하지 않고 배부르지 않은 것을 춥고 배고프다고 이른다. 문왕의 백성 중에는 춥고 배고픈 노인이 없었다는 것은 이를 말한 것이다.”
[James Legge] 'The expression, "The chief of the West knows well how to nourish the old," refers to his regulation of the fields and dwellings, his teaching them to plant the mulberry and nourish those animals, and his instructing the wives and children, so as to make them nourish their aged. At fifty, warmth cannot be maintained without silks, and at seventy flesh is necessary to satisfy the appetite. Persons not kept warm nor supplied with food are said to be starved and famished, but among the people of king Wan, there were no aged who were starved or famished. This is the meaning of the expression in question.'

맹자집주 책은 2022.07.13에 최종 수정되었습니다.
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