4. 入公門실(애) 鞠躬如也샤 如不容이러시다(시며)
鞠躬은 曲身也라 公門이 高大로되 而若不容은 敬之至也라
中門은 中於門也니 謂當棖闑之間이니 君出入處也라 閾은 門限也라 禮에 士大夫出入公門에 由闑右하고 不踐閾이라 謝氏曰 立中門則當尊이요 行履閾則不恪이니라
過位실(예) 色勃如也시며 足躩如也시며 其言이 似不足者ㅣ러시다
位는 君之虛位니 謂門屛之間, 人君宁立之處니 所謂宁也라 君雖不在나 過之必敬은 不敢以虛位而慢之也라 言似不足은 不敢肆也라
攝齊升堂실(애) 鞠躬如也시며 屛氣[샤] 似不息者ㅣ러시다
攝은 摳也요 齊는 衣下縫也라 禮에 將升堂할새 兩手摳衣하여 使去地尺하니 恐躡之而傾跌失容也라 屛은 藏也요 息은 鼻息出入者也니 近至尊에 氣容肅也라
出降一等샤(샨) 逞顔色샤 怡怡如也시며 沒階샤(샨) 趨翼如也시며 復其位샤(샨) 踧踖如也ㅣ러시다
陸氏曰 趨下에 本無進字어늘 俗本에 有之하니 誤也라 ○ 等은 階之級也라 逞은 放也라 漸遠所尊하니 舒氣解顔이라 怡怡는 和悅也라 沒階는 下盡階也라 趨는 走就位也라 復位踧踖은 敬之餘也라 ○ 此一節은 記孔子在朝之容이니라
[James Legge] When he entered the palace gate, he seemed to bend his body, as if it were not sufficient to admit him.
4. 공자께서는 궁궐의 문(門)에 들어가실 적에 몸을 굽히시어 문이 작아 들어가기에 넉넉하지 못한 것처럼 하셨으며
[James Legge] When he was standing, he did not occupy the middle of the gateway; when he passed in or out, he did not tread upon the threshold.
서 있을 때에는 문 가운데에 서지 않으시고, 다니실 때에 문턱을 밟지 않으셨다.
[James Legge] When he was passing the vacant place of the prince, his countenance appeared to change, and his legs to bend under him, and his words came as if he hardly had breath to utter them.
임금이 계시던 자리를 지나실 적에는 낯빛을 변하시고 발을 조심하시며, 말씀을 잘하지 못하는 사람 같으셨다.
[James Legge] He ascended the reception hall, holding up his robe with both his hands, and his body bent; holding in his breath also, as if he dared not breathe.
옷자락을 잡고 당(堂)에 오르실 적에는 몸을 굽히고 숨을 죽여 숨을 쉬지 않는 것처럼 하셨고
[James Legge] When he came out from the audience, as soon as he had descended one step, he began to relax his countenance, and had a satisfied look. When he had got the bottom of the steps, he advanced rapidly to his place, with his arms like wings, and on occupying it, his manner still showed respectful uneasiness.
나와서 한 층계를 내려서서는 낯빛을 펴서 화평하게 하셨으며, 층계를 다 내려와서는 빨리 걸으시되 새가 날개를 편 듯이 하셨으며, 자기 자리로 돌아와서는 공손하셨다.