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10. 子夏[ㅣ] 曰 君子 信而後[에] 勞其民이니 未信則以爲厲己也ㅣ니라(ㅣ라고) 信而後[에]이니 未信則以爲謗己也ㅣ니라(ㅣ라니라)
謂誠意惻怛而人信之也 猶病也 事上使下 皆必誠意交孚而後 可以有爲니라

[James Legge] Tsze-hsiâ said, “The superior man, having obtained their confidence, may then impose labors on his people. If he have not gained their confidence, they will think that he is oppressing them. Having obtained the confidence of his prince, one may then remonstrate with him. If he have not gained his confidence, the prince will think that he is vilifying him.”
10. 자하(子夏)가 말하였다. “군자(君子)는 백성들에게 신임을 얻은 뒤에 백성을 부리니, 백성들에게 신임을 얻지 못하면 백성들이 자신들을 괴롭힌다고 여긴다. 군자는 신임을 얻은 뒤에 간(諫)하니, 윗사람에게 신임을 얻지 못하면 윗사람이 자신을 비방한다고 여긴다.”

논어집주 책은 2022.07.13에 최종 수정되었습니다.
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